Wednesday, February 23, 2022

The weasel strikes again


The weasel announced today that he was introducing sanctions against Russia to fight tyranny and authoritarianism, Can you spell hypocrisy?

This announcement again demonstrated the elitist penchant of the weasel, Klaus would be so proud of this two faced donkey pit. He has no idea how stupid this sounds or how it demonstrates his lack of self awareness or his lack of empathy. So much for sunny ways.

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


‘If you were involved in this protest we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges, absolutely.

‘This investigation will go on for months to come. It has many, many different streams, both from a federal financial level, from a provincial licencing level, from a criminal code level, from a municipal breach of court order, breach of court injunction level.

‘It will be a complicated and time-consuming investigation that will go on for a period of time. You have my commitment that that investigation will continue and we will hold people accountable for taking our streets over.’

Steve Bell Acting Chief of Police, Ottawa

A walking, talking example of bluster and bullshit. This odious piece of work has no jurisdiction outside Ottawa, no control over licencing in Ontario or any other provinces and certainly little evidence to support the above statement re court orders and injunctions. The evidence is that the truckers, i.e. those people actually there with trucks, obeyed every court order and injunction.

Rather than actually deal with real crime he will have his officers conduct a "complicated and time-consuming investigation", into what exactly? Illegal parking? Maybe he just doesn't have anything else to do except kowtow to the Mayor, another piece of odium, in the hopes of getting the Chief of Police position.

I support the police in this country, at least in my part of the country, and I suspect that many of those involved in this action didn't want to be there. On the other hand there are many in the provincial and municipal police forces who are little better than thugs.

I have no time for grandstanders, Mr. Bell has had his 15 minutes of fame now back under your rock.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Tyranical Weasel



It would appear that if any person supports any group that the government doesn’t like and then later declares it to be involved in unlawful conduct then, retroactively, that person can be prosecuted and persecuted and the legacy media will be complicit in punishing the activity which was not unlawful when it took place.

So Great Aunt Mary sends five dollars to the Peoples Liberation Front of Saskatchewan. The feds later decide that this is a terrorist organization because it opposes urbanization of farmland and supports the freedom to farm in peace and acts upon that premise peacefully but inconveniences politicians. Then Great Aunt Mary’s savings, such as they are, are in jeopardy and can be grabbed by the government. Because Mary drove her car to give the money to the PLF then they can grab that too and sell it to fund police activity.

That’s where we are!

Because that tiny minded weasel Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act and then acted without approval of Parliament the entire country is faced with this sort of nonsense being enacted whenever to government is annoyed by any group of which it disapproves.

I note that the other child mind in Parliament, one among many, Jagmeet Singh, is supporting the government in this crass impingement on the rights of Canadians. Tommy Douglas must be rolling over in his grave. He was opposed to the invocation of the War Measures Act in the midst of actual terrorist activity on the basis of the loss of peoples rights and freedoms. I didn’t agree with Tommy on almost everything but at least he stood up for what he considered his constituency, the working people of the country.

The weasel suspended debate in Parliament on Friday into the invocation of the Act on the spurious basis that there was an ongoing police operation which was proceeding on the basis of the Act which was not yet approved. Similarly Banks proceeded with the freezing of accounts of the truckers without parliamentary approval. There may yet be court cases if approval is not granted.

Last on my list of odious politicians is the Mayor of Ottawa, one Jim Watson, who proposes to sell off the trucks seized during the police operation to reimburse the City of Ottawa’s expenses. He might have a fight on his hands over that.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Trudeau, Pere et Fil

So the weasel has decided to follow in his father's footsteps and invoke the Emergencies Act, this requires a bit of history.

The Emergencies Act (EA) was enacted in 1988 to replace the War Measures Act (WMA). There are significant differences between the two which might have escaped the notice of the weasel, one, to actually impose the EA the approval of Parliament is required and two, the Charter if Rights and Freedoms and the Bill of Rights are not abrogated.

In October of 1970 the Front de Liberation du Quebec (FLQ)  kidnapped a Quebec politician and a British trade commissioner.In response the Quebec government declared an emergency and the federal government invoked the WMA suspending civil liberties in Quebec. The Army was called in primarily to guard federal buildings and installations. Two people died, the kidnapped Quebec politician, and a soldier who inadvertently discharged his weapon whilst disembarking from a truck.

Pierre Trudeau was the Prime Minister of Canada at the time and, although there was much debate at the time and since of the appropriateness of the response, acted definitively in response to the apprehended insurrection.

So now the weasel fil has pretended that there is a national emergency requiring federal action, it would appear that he is using the public order section of the EA.

The emergency must be a "national emergency" which means an "urgent and critical situation of a temporary nature" that either "(a) seriously endangers the lives, health or safety of Canadians and is of such proportions or nature as to exceed the capacity or authority of a province to deal with it, or (b) seriously threatens the ability of the Government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada and that cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada"

Further, When defining "threats to the security of Canada" the act references the definition provided in the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act, which includes espionage, sabotage, detrimental foreign influences, activities which support the threat or use of violence for a political, religious or ideological objective; or those activities which threaten to undermine or otherwise destroy, or overthrow the Government of Canada. The Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act specifically notes that "lawful advocacy, protest or dissent" do not constitute "threats to the security of Canada". Lastly the EA specifically prohibits the federal government from taking over the jurisdiction of the local police.

I would submit that the current situation in Ottawa does not meet the requirements of the Act. Clearly the  there are other laws that can deal with the situation and there is no evidence that the provincial authority cannot deal with the problem. I note that the provincial authority has already cleared the Ambassador Bridge.

The weasel's authoritarian and elitist proclivities are on full display for all to see, with any luck people will remember when election time rolls round 

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Medical ethics

 There are four main principles of medical ethics,

Autonomy – the patient has the right to refuse or choose his or her treatment. This is rooted in society’s respect for individuals’ ability to make informed decisions about personal matters with freedom.

Beneficence – a practitioner should act in the best interest of the patient and family. In other words, healing is the aim of medicine.

Non-maleficence – not to be the cause of harm. Many consider this should be the primary consideration, that it is more important not to harm your patient than to do him good, which is part of the Hippocratic oath that doctors take.

Justice – concerns the fair distribution of scarce health resources, and the decision as to who gets what treatment.

Writing in TCW Guy Hatchard speaks of the situation in New Zealand pointing out that, because of their closed borders, they have had only 18,000 cases to date and 53 deaths in a population of  5 million. However, they have had, by official count, 50,000 adverse events from the "vaccines" and over 130 deaths. 

Lets examine those numbers, the case fatality rate (CFR) for the actual virus is .003, for the "vaccines" the CFR is, surprise, .003 but no medical practitioner has raised this matter and the government of New Zealand, as does ours, continues to say the "vaccines" are safe and effective.

What is safe and effective about a cure that kills people at the same rate as the disease?

There is a serious deficit in medical ethics almost everywhere. Autonomy is out the window, coercion is the flavour of the day. Maleficence abounds, harm is being done not only through the "vaccines" but through inane mask mandates and lockdowns. Beneficence is nowhere to be found, doctors bow to the demands of the government not to the needs of their patients.

The medical fraternity needs to grow a pair and say to the government - what you are doing is doing harm to our patients and needs to stop. I doubt that that will occur, but it should if doctors are living up to their oath.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

What's important here

 Today the BC Coroners Service reported that 2224 people died of illicit drug overdoses in 2021, that's an average of 6 per day. Mostly young people. In comparison, as of today 2725 people died either from Covid or with Covid. In fact these numbers are suspect as the BC CDC admitted that anyone entering hospital in BC is tested for Covid and if they subsequently die then Covid goes on the death certificate. However, and more importantly, the death rate is .25 per day, mostly old folks like myself but with one or more comorbidities

So what is the reaction of the government? With respect to overdoses, crickets! With respect to Covid, panic, over reaction, coercion and irrational lockdowns.


I don't know. I would have thought that 6 young people dying every day for a year would have drawn more attention from the government versus one person from God's waiting room every four days in the space of nearly three years.

I have my suspicions, I'm not a conspiracy theorist but, the infamous but, it seems to me that the pandemic was the perfect opportunity for public health to try out all their theories about pandemic control as lunatic as they turned out to be. 

On the other hand, overdose deaths are a public health concern but public health have no clue as to how to deal with this problem so they are ignoring it in the hopes, I surmise, that the public will be more involved with the supposed pandemic and not paying attention.

What do you think?

Monday, February 7, 2022

The question


The Liberals liberal speaks

 Bill Maher has something to say and it's worth listening to - Ignore the first 10 seconds it's annoying.

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Two faced Cockwomble

 Here's some foreign condemnation of our Prime Minstrel,

The end is nigh, but not here.


Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Winston Churchill

In the past days Sweden announced that, as far as they were concerned, the pandemic was over and that Covid 19 was endemic and no more dangerous than the common cold. Other Scandinavian countries have also made this announcement. Can we now conclude that the end of this panic is nigh? I think not, but it is the proverbial thin edge of the wedge.

The BCCDC still is still promoting the lie that “All vaccines approved in Canada and available in BC are safe and effective and will help protect you against COVID-19.” There is no real evidence to support the first part of that statement and the second part is patently false. The “vaccines” do little to protect you, all they do is reduce symptoms. There is no immunity derived from these “vaccines” as is derived from various other real vaccines.

That these “vaccines” are safe is open to question, trials were never fully conducted and truthfully the real trials are being conducted with us as the trial subjects. The province of BC is now requiring “vaccination” of children over the age of 5 even though their own data demonstrates that children under the age of 17 and over the age of 5 have no serious adverse results, there have been no deaths in that age group and hospitalizations in two years are about 1% of the total hospitalizations.

I have made mention of this before, there were no excess deaths in BC in 2021, 


mortality fell exactly on the median. Telling me that we could have followed Sweden’s example and been better off, economically, health wise and especially mental health wise. But the BC government is continuing on with restrictions willy nilly, evidence be damned.

Here’s another little gem from the CDC, “Hospital data include admissions for people diagnosed with COVID-19 through hospital SARS-COV-2 screening practices, and will overestimate the number of people who are hospitalized
specifically due to severe symptoms of COVID-19 infection.” What they’re telling you there is that if you are admitted to hospital with a heart attack and their testing showed you had the Covid virus onboard, whether you were symptomatic or not, you are treated as a Covid admission and if you die from your heart attack that would be a Covid death.

The whole thing is a scam of the worst kind.

The absence

 I have not posted in a year, why, you may ask. Because, I shall reply. In February 2023 when I posted last we had moved off our boat and in...