Sunday, February 6, 2022

The end is nigh, but not here.


Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”

Winston Churchill

In the past days Sweden announced that, as far as they were concerned, the pandemic was over and that Covid 19 was endemic and no more dangerous than the common cold. Other Scandinavian countries have also made this announcement. Can we now conclude that the end of this panic is nigh? I think not, but it is the proverbial thin edge of the wedge.

The BCCDC still is still promoting the lie that “All vaccines approved in Canada and available in BC are safe and effective and will help protect you against COVID-19.” There is no real evidence to support the first part of that statement and the second part is patently false. The “vaccines” do little to protect you, all they do is reduce symptoms. There is no immunity derived from these “vaccines” as is derived from various other real vaccines.

That these “vaccines” are safe is open to question, trials were never fully conducted and truthfully the real trials are being conducted with us as the trial subjects. The province of BC is now requiring “vaccination” of children over the age of 5 even though their own data demonstrates that children under the age of 17 and over the age of 5 have no serious adverse results, there have been no deaths in that age group and hospitalizations in two years are about 1% of the total hospitalizations.

I have made mention of this before, there were no excess deaths in BC in 2021, 


mortality fell exactly on the median. Telling me that we could have followed Sweden’s example and been better off, economically, health wise and especially mental health wise. But the BC government is continuing on with restrictions willy nilly, evidence be damned.

Here’s another little gem from the CDC, “Hospital data include admissions for people diagnosed with COVID-19 through hospital SARS-COV-2 screening practices, and will overestimate the number of people who are hospitalized
specifically due to severe symptoms of COVID-19 infection.” What they’re telling you there is that if you are admitted to hospital with a heart attack and their testing showed you had the Covid virus onboard, whether you were symptomatic or not, you are treated as a Covid admission and if you die from your heart attack that would be a Covid death.

The whole thing is a scam of the worst kind.

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