Wednesday, February 9, 2022

What's important here

 Today the BC Coroners Service reported that 2224 people died of illicit drug overdoses in 2021, that's an average of 6 per day. Mostly young people. In comparison, as of today 2725 people died either from Covid or with Covid. In fact these numbers are suspect as the BC CDC admitted that anyone entering hospital in BC is tested for Covid and if they subsequently die then Covid goes on the death certificate. However, and more importantly, the death rate is .25 per day, mostly old folks like myself but with one or more comorbidities

So what is the reaction of the government? With respect to overdoses, crickets! With respect to Covid, panic, over reaction, coercion and irrational lockdowns.


I don't know. I would have thought that 6 young people dying every day for a year would have drawn more attention from the government versus one person from God's waiting room every four days in the space of nearly three years.

I have my suspicions, I'm not a conspiracy theorist but, the infamous but, it seems to me that the pandemic was the perfect opportunity for public health to try out all their theories about pandemic control as lunatic as they turned out to be. 

On the other hand, overdose deaths are a public health concern but public health have no clue as to how to deal with this problem so they are ignoring it in the hopes, I surmise, that the public will be more involved with the supposed pandemic and not paying attention.

What do you think?

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