Monday, February 21, 2022

Tyranical Weasel



It would appear that if any person supports any group that the government doesn’t like and then later declares it to be involved in unlawful conduct then, retroactively, that person can be prosecuted and persecuted and the legacy media will be complicit in punishing the activity which was not unlawful when it took place.

So Great Aunt Mary sends five dollars to the Peoples Liberation Front of Saskatchewan. The feds later decide that this is a terrorist organization because it opposes urbanization of farmland and supports the freedom to farm in peace and acts upon that premise peacefully but inconveniences politicians. Then Great Aunt Mary’s savings, such as they are, are in jeopardy and can be grabbed by the government. Because Mary drove her car to give the money to the PLF then they can grab that too and sell it to fund police activity.

That’s where we are!

Because that tiny minded weasel Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act and then acted without approval of Parliament the entire country is faced with this sort of nonsense being enacted whenever to government is annoyed by any group of which it disapproves.

I note that the other child mind in Parliament, one among many, Jagmeet Singh, is supporting the government in this crass impingement on the rights of Canadians. Tommy Douglas must be rolling over in his grave. He was opposed to the invocation of the War Measures Act in the midst of actual terrorist activity on the basis of the loss of peoples rights and freedoms. I didn’t agree with Tommy on almost everything but at least he stood up for what he considered his constituency, the working people of the country.

The weasel suspended debate in Parliament on Friday into the invocation of the Act on the spurious basis that there was an ongoing police operation which was proceeding on the basis of the Act which was not yet approved. Similarly Banks proceeded with the freezing of accounts of the truckers without parliamentary approval. There may yet be court cases if approval is not granted.

Last on my list of odious politicians is the Mayor of Ottawa, one Jim Watson, who proposes to sell off the trucks seized during the police operation to reimburse the City of Ottawa’s expenses. He might have a fight on his hands over that.

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