Monday, January 17, 2022

The Idiocracy


"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive." – CS Lewis

In my opening salvo I opined that coercion was afoot but that no government hopeful of re-election would attempt to beat up those hesitant about vaccination by restricting their access to things like grocery stores and liquor stores. Silly me.

The Quebec government has recently announced such restrictions and in addition is considering a tax or fee upon the unvaccinated, quelle stupidite. Reports in the MSM have it that the government has complete support from the vaccinated majority. Since the vaccinated aren't really vaccinated, that is, immune to the disease Covid, then I suppose the madness of crowds prevails.

M. Legault, the Premier of the province should hope that the crowd doesn't suddenly drop their madness otherwise the electoral guillotine could be rolling up.

Luckily, our government here in BC has indicated that they are not proceeding down that slippery slope. The federal government lead by our Prime Minstrel, M. Trudeau, has been silent on the issue but I would not put it past him. Lunatic ideas are his speciality. Are we suddenly to begin taxing alcoholics when they are hospitalized with liver disease? Are we to abandon the great Canadian conceit of free medical care?

On another note, the public health folks in this province seem incapable of understanding their own statistics. The case fatality rate has been dropping like a stone for the past few weeks, ever since the Omicron variant appeared on the scene. The hospitalization rate, hospitalizations to cases, has also been dropping. The daily average recovery rate has been increasing. Yet all around in the public health forum all is gloom and doom.

The average daily death rate is increasing microscopically but in the usual age groups. The 70+ age group represents 6% of the cases, 35% of the hospitalizations, but79% of the deaths. In the 90+ age group 8 more people have died than have been hospitalized, causing me to believe that this group is going quietly into that dark night as they always have, in their own bed, asleep.

The federal public health folks seem incapable of recognizing idiocy when it smacks them in the face. Any person returning to Canada by air must be fully vaccinated and have a negative PCR test almost immediately prior to boarding. All those folks on that aircraft are vaccinated and have tested negative for Covid but when they get off the aeroplane here in Canada they must have a further PCR test. Did this sneaky virus somehow breach the aircraft at 30,000 feet and infect all the inhabitants or was the aircraft itself already infected and passed it on to the passengers during the flight. The idiocracy at work.


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