Saturday, January 22, 2022

Secret Knowledge

 This interesting graph came to my attention this morning via The Conservative Woman (TCW) website 

There is very interesting data here, in almost all age groups the "vaccinated" are more likely to be infected than the unvaccinated. The reasons for this discrepancy are not clear, what is missing is clarifying data such as vaccination rates (VR)  and the hospitalization rates (HR) in the various age groups.

Lets look at the under 18's. In this group the infection rate amongst the unvaccinated (UV) is almost double that of the "vaccinated" (V) crowd That has to do, I would submit, to the VR in that age group. That group is mainly UV because of fears of adverse effects amongst the young. That raises the questions as to why so many V children are becoming infected. It is of little import however as the HR and death rate (DR) is so low in that cohort.

As we move up the scale of age where the VR is greater we can see that more of the V are becoming infected than UV. Is the reason for that that there are substantially more V than UV? We don't know because the data is not presented. 

What is also not presented is the HR for each cohort, who is more likely to end up in hospital. Again without that data making sense of this information is difficult.

When comparing this data set to that presented by CDC BC the situation is turned on its head. The CDC BC data is exactly opposite to that presented above. The reason, again, is not clear. Part of the problem is that the CDC data is presented on different scales in two graphs placed alongside each other which makes if difficult to make accurate comparisons. What is clear is that there is no statistical significance in the the difference in the DR between the two groups. That being the case then there should not be any statistical significance in the the difference in the recovery rate (RR) between the two groups. However, that data is not presented.

The really interesting question is why the difference between the UK and BC. Perhaps when this madness is behind us someone will undertake to answer that question.

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