Sunday, January 9, 2022

The opening salvo

 Astute readers will notice that in the title of this blog "conservative" is not capitalized, There is a reason for that, I don't belong to or subscribe to any particular political party, if anything I lean toward the libertarian mind space. I do have an active,

and the events of the last two years have bent the pin on the right of the meter.


The thing that pushed me to start writing this blog is this, I live in British Columbia, although not as bad as some venues the BC government has been pushing restrictions and vaccinations hard. I have been following the data and I concluded that it did not support their narrative. Then the BC CDC posted this,

This a chart of death from all causes in BC, including Covid, for an eleven year period from 2009 to the end of 2021. There are three things of note here, first, the deaths from all causes in 2009 and 2017 exceeded those for 2021, second, the deaths in 2021 are exactly on the median and third, there was a pandemic in 2009.

What can we draw from these three things? 

First and foremost, 2021 was not out the ordinary in terms of deaths. I noticed early on that the median age of death from Covid was higher than the median age of death from all causes by two years, that has since reduced, probably because all those old folks, of which I am one,  have already died. The fact that the deaths are on the median leads me to believe that not much out of the ordinary occurred in 2021.

The second conclusion is that the restrictions imposed by the public health people were a panic reaction because they did not impose them in 2009 during the H1N1 pandemic during which time more people died than in 2021. That pandemic primarily struck young people as opposed to the current disease which is deadlier to the older generations. Nobody ran around in masks or was locked down in their home or locked out of their work.

My final conclusion is that the current Covid "vaccine" works just like the flu vaccine, that is, not very well. 

Until 02 Dec 21 the US CDC defined a vaccine as a product that stimulated a persons immune system to produce an immunity to a specific disease. Clearly that does not define the current "vaccines". A "vaccinated" person can get Covid and thus does not have immunity to that disease, further, that person can infect others. In essence, the "vaccine" protects no one. Which means it doesn't even meet the CDC's current definition of a vaccine, which is, a preparation that is used to stimulate the bodies immune response against disease. No mention of immunity against a specific disease.

You will notice that no one speaks of immunization with respect to this "vaccine". Immunization is a process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination.

So what is the practical value of the "vaccine" and why do we restrict people's access to various venues on the basis of their "vaccinated" status?

The public health folks will tell you that it reduces the symptoms and thus reduces the burden on the health system, why then are hospitalizations going up? Data from the UK and Israel indicate that the "vaccinated" are just as if not more likely to be hospitalized as the non-vaccinated. Yes the non-vaccinated compose more of the current infections, the cases. but do they compose more of the hospitalizations? That data is available from the BC CDC if you dig deep enough. Interestingly in the 70+ age group only vaccinated people are being hospitalized, in other age groups the ratio is almost equal to almost double non-vaccinated over "vaccinated" depending upon the age group.

Conclusion, it's not a vaccine, we are being lied to, it is a treatment and not a very good one. Which leads to - why are they restricting access?

The evidence is that both "vaccinated" and non-vaccinated can contract the disease and both can transmit it. So what is the benefit of excluding the non-vaccinated from certain venues?

The restricted venues are those people want to go to, bars, pubs restaurants etc. The unrestricted venues are those that would raise a ruckus if someone needed a "vaccine" passport to enter, grocery stores, liquor stores and similar venues. It is clear that the purpose of the restrictions is coercion, to get people to get "vaccinated". The unrestricted venues are ones that would cause political backlash if people were excluded. It is clear to me that these restrictions are a political decision not a public health one. That the politicians would misuse public health and trust is despicable, that public health officials would allow it is unconscionable.

Why are they attempting to coerce the public into getting "vaccinated". I don't know and I'm not a conspiracy theorist so I'm not speculating as to cause. However, as far as I can see there is no benefit to getting vaccinated if you're not elderly or vulnerable and again we're being lied to for some reason. I leave that to you to determine.

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