Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Vlad's the Lad


Vlad and the stones

Vlod lived on the property claimed to be property owned by to Vlad, Vlad was a collector of big stones that he used to threaten the other neighbours and to protect himself against rivals. His collection of big stones grew to big to be kept at Vlad’s house so he began to store them in Vlod’s house. Vlad and Vlod had a falling out and Vlod said that the area around his house was his not Vlad’s and by the way he was keeping the big stones that Vlod had put in his house.

Vlad’s rivals also had collections of big stones which they preferred should only belong to the big boys not the little kids like Vlod. So they met with Vlad and promised not to collect more big stones if he did the same. They also convinced all the little kids that collecting big stones was a bad idea and they should get rid of the stones they already had or at least promise not to use them. Vlod was not happy with this turn of events has he saw the stones as insurance against Vlad’s bullying him.

Vlad, Sam, John and Paddy met with Vlod and promised to protect him from anyone trying to bully him or take his property if he would give up the stones. Since Sam was the biggest boy on the block and had a gang to back him Vlod agreed.

Things went well for a time then Vlad decided that Vlod’s cabbage patch actually was on his property so he put a fence around it. Since Vlod had no stones he could do nothing about it and Sam and the boys did nothing so Vlod decided that a collection of medium stones would be a good idea and he set about collecting them.

Then Vlad decided that the very productive vegetable garden in Vlod’s yard was also his so he started to take it over throwing little stones at Vlod. Vlod took exception and began throwing little bigger stones back at Vlad, Vlad, taken by surprise as he though Vlod had no stones, and only getting a small bit of the garden started throwing medium stones. Vlod responded. Sam and the boys made promises to help but only gave Vlod little stones at first and Paddy gave no stones at all as he had none. Paddy complained to the homeowners association.

Vlad pushed on. Vlod pushed back. Vlad threatened to throw a big stone.

Here’s the question, since Vlad, Sam, John and Paddy promised to protect Vlod from any bullying and Vlad reneged on the promise should Sam, John and Paddy step up and turn on Vlad or simply provide Vlod with ever bigger and more stones but not the big stone to see if Vlod could chase Vlad off? Further, since Sam was backed by a gang, should the gang join in to make sure Vlad stayed on his property and not try to take others. And why was Paddy involved in any of this since Paddy had no stones in the game?

The absence

 I have not posted in a year, why, you may ask. Because, I shall reply. In February 2023 when I posted last we had moved off our boat and in...